Publishers' self archiving policy
- In some agreements, the publisher may grant some rights back to the author like communicating, sharing or reusing the work.
- Self archiving includes sharing the full text of a published or pre-publication works for free public use.
- Authors provide access to preprints or post-prints (with publisher permission) and deposit their work in an institutional repositories e.g. UOB Institutional repository or disciplinary open archives, or other online publishing platforms such as and ResearchGate.
- Authors are required to review the publisher's self archiving policy before uploading their work for public use. Indeed many authors are posting illegally their articles in Academia or ResearchGate.
Search Sherpa/RoMEO tool to find out publishers' copyright policies and sef-archiving
For example, IEEE is a green publisher :
- Authors may post their version of an article as accepted for publication in an IEEE periodical or conference proceedings.
- Posting of the final PDF, as published by IEEE Xplore®, continues to be prohibited, except for open-access journal articles supported by payment of an article processing charge (APC), whose authors may freely post the final version.