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Open Courses |
EdX |
Library of college-level courses from a variety of high-profile universities. Some course materials are freely licensed for reuse. |
OEDb (Online Education Database) - Open Courses |
A comprehensive collection of free online courses from accredited universities. Over 10,000 free open courses from universities such as MIT, the University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins University,... |
Open Course Library |
A collection of shareable course materials, including syllabi, course activities, readings, and assessments. |
Open Textbooks |
OpenStax College |
Peer-reviewed and quality open textbooks with interactive components provided by Rice University's Connexions. There are some amazing textbooks available here, with more in production. |
College Open Textbooks |
A collection of twenty-nine educational non-profit and for-profit organizations, affiliated with more than 200 colleges, focused on driving awareness and adoptions of open textbooks. |
Open Textbook Library |
Hundreds of complete, open college-level textbooks collected by the University of Minnesota. |
Teaching Commons |
Open Educational Resources from Leading Colleges and Universities. |
BC Campus |
One of the largest portals for Open Textbooks in Canada. Find and use open and peer-reviewed textbooks. |
Open Educational Resources |
OASIS (Openly Available Sources Integrated Search) |
A search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from 97 different sources and contains 385,629 records. |
Merlot |
A collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education. |
OER Commons |
A single point of access to the highest quality content from around the world. Users can search across over 50,000 vetted and fully-indexed OER, ensuring a high level of resource relevancy and discovery. |