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UOB Press

Chronos is an annual open access journal published in three languages (Arabic, English and French). It deals particularly with the history of the ethnic and religious groups of the Arab world, and especially in the following fields:

  • History of the Ottoman Empire
  • Mandates, Protectorates and colonization processes
  • Arab thought and political movements
  • Byzantium
  • The Crusades
  • History of religions
  • Religious archaeology


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    ISSN: 1608-7526     



Editorial Board

Assaad Kattan, Prof. Dr.

Centrum für Religiöse Studien Hammerstr. 95

D-48153 Münster, Allemagne


Françoise Briquel Chatonnet, Directrice de recherche

CNRS, UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée

"Mondes sémitiques"

27 rue Paul Bert

94204 Ivry sur Seine cedex, France


Issam Khalifeh, Professeur

Département d’Histoire

Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines (Section 2)


Université Libanaise, Liban


Pierre Moukarzel, Professeur

Département d’Histoire

Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines (Section 2)


Université Libanaise, Liban


Leila Badre, Professor

Museum Director

Archaeological Museum

American University of Beirut

Bliss Street, Ras Beirut,

P.O.Box 11-0236, Beirut, Lebanon


Lévon Nordiguian, Professeur

Directeur de la photothèque

Université Saint-Joseph

Rue Huvelin, Beyrouth, Liban


Basilios Nassour, Professeur 

Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology

University of Balamand

POBox 100 Tripoli, Liban


Mahmoud Haddad, Professeur

Department of History

University of Balamand

B.P. 100 Tripoli, Liban


Leila Fawaz, Professor

Department of History

Tufts University

East Hall

Medford, MA 02155, USA


Abdul-Karim Rafeq, Professor

The College of William & Mary

P.O. Box 8795

Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795, USA


Sargon Donabed, Associate Professor

Department of History

Roger Williams University

One Old Ferry Rd

Bristol, RI 02809, USA

Authors are requested to conform to the following instructions:

1 - The text should ideally not exceed 25 000 words.

2 - The text should be sent in either .doc or .odt formats, with a copy in .pdf format. An abstract of less than 150 words will be provided in the language of the article. An abstract in English will be provided, also of less than 150 words, as well as the title to be presented in three languages: Arabic, French and English.

3 - The bibliography will be placed at the end of the article. References will be as follows:

- For a book

Author, Date, Title, City, Publisher, Number of pages.

Example:  Smith J., 1995, Lebanon in turmoil, London, Harrap’s, 209 p.

- For articles, please use the following form:

            Author, Date, “Title”, Journal, Number of the issue, Pages.

Example: Laval C., 1995, “The Christians in the Middle East”, Chronos, n° 1, pp. 7-19.

- In a collection of contributions, use the following form:

            Author, Date, “Title of the article”, in Title of the book, Name of the editor, City, Publisher, Pages.

Example: Curver M., 1979, “The development of Arab cities during the 20th

century”, in Arab cities of the Maghreb, ed. Chevallier L., London, Harrap’s, pp.


4 - References in the text will be as follows, and never in footnotes: (Smith 1995: 5), or

(Smith 1995: 10-15), or (Smith 1995: 5, 9, 40) for non-consecutive pages.

5 - Figures, photos, and illustrations should be ready for printing. Photos should be in TIFF format, in 300 dpi or better.

6 - Avoid diacritical symbols for transcription from non-European languages. Use simple and immediately understandable transcriptions.

7 - The manuscript should be e-mailed to or sent to

Revue Chronos

University of Balamand

Institute of History, Archaeology & Near Eastern Studies (IOHANES)

B.P. 100

Tripoli, Lebanon

8 -  All texts will be submitted to an Editorial Committee, which may suggest corrections or modifications.

9 - Refused texts will not be returned to the authors.