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Graduate students

The purpose of this guide is to point you to the resources, tools, and services provided by UOB Libraries, which can help you accomplish your project or thesis efficiently and effectively.
  • Theses and dissertations fall within the unpublished materials category protected by copyright.
  • Students hold copyright over their theses/dissertations. They grant to the university a non-exclusive right to preserve and distribute the manuscript to the public for educational and scholarly purposes only.
  • Students keep all moral and commercial rights over their manuscripts.
  • Students are required to submit a copy of their theses/dissertations to the University of Balamand Libraries for preservation and research purposes in order to make it available to the public.
  • Students are required to sign the Project/Thesis/Dissertation Deposit Form, which includes a non-exclusive copyright release that gives the University the right to:

    - Deposit a copy in the UOB Libraries and in not-for-profit repositories when required;
    - Make the work openly accessible to the public in any medium for research and educational purposes only;
    - Reproduce, copy, and/or translate the work in print or electronic formats without changing the content for preservation and access purposes.

    Any subsequent agreement including publishing contracts should take into consideration the above-mentioned rights and respect the eligibility of the University to exercise these rights as permitted by the laws.